The Truth of Life

Bini Nhuchhen
Grade 9
MVA Upper Elementary Level
Life is a small gift from our mother and mothers are our god. Life is a gift of god. Life is very short period of time in which we can do lots of activities. We can learn many things from our life. Life may lead to a good time as well as to a very bad condition when we will not be getting support of anyone. Life is a mixture of sadness and happiness.
The real happiness of our life is peace. “Peace is the truth of life.” When we are in calm and peaceful condition, we can easily understand the real value of life. Life is a short time and it is very important to know what exactly the life is. We, human beings are always in search of enjoyment and happiness whereas we come to know the value of life after understanding the real pain. The truth of life is that no one in this universe will be with us forever. One day, they will leave us and we have to live alone.
Truth of life is the time which has gone never returns. So we must utilize our time properly. A person doesn′t learn immediately after his ⁄ her birth. There are some wise and intelligent people who teach those things we require. Everything is not taught by our close ones. We should learn something on our own so that we can know the truth of those things. Life is given by our mother but we have to know how to regulate our life. Life teaches the value of time and time is a path of life where our life runs.
Our life is not only based on success but also in a proper manner, knowledge, attitude and behaviour. A person with no manner and attitude is already failed in his life. Yes, it is true we get failures sometimes but we should not lose our hope. We should take it as a lesson from our life. If a child falls down and mother helps to get up, then that child never understands the pain and cannot tolerate it. If mother doesn′t help to get up, the child learns some new things in his life.
There are many people who don′t want us to be successful but instead of fighting with them, we should prove them who we are. This is an exact meaning of life. We should have a patience of achieving something to get something fruitful. If happiness couldn′t find us then let′s find happiness. Let′s share the pain and the happiness. If we come to know each other, it makes our life more beautiful.
Life is full of ups and downs. It’s a journey with many knowledge and lessons. The truth of life is that when life hits us back, we should know to move on but peacefully.