मैले देखेका भगवान्
मैले देखेका भगवान् अपेक्षा लामा कक्षा १० इच्छा त उनीहरुलाई पनि छ आफ्नो परिवारसँग सुरक्षित बस्न छोराछोरीका कमला हात समाउँदै दन्त्य कथा सुनाउन तर सेवा उनको धर्म हो रोगसँग लड्नु…
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मैले देखेका भगवान् अपेक्षा लामा कक्षा १० इच्छा त उनीहरुलाई पनि छ आफ्नो परिवारसँग सुरक्षित बस्न छोराछोरीका कमला हात समाउँदै दन्त्य कथा सुनाउन तर सेवा उनको धर्म हो रोगसँग लड्नु…
सम्मान गरौँ A tribute to the FrontLine Warriors of COVID-19 बिधी नापित कक्षा नौ आफ्नो स्वास्थ्य नहेरेर सबको रक्षा गर्ने …
सलाम छ A tribute to the Frontline Warriors fighting the battle against COVID-19 to keep the entire nation safe... स्वष्तिका सुवाल कक्षा नौ सलाम छ, ती सबै सबैलाई जो महामारीको…
The Truth of Life Bini Nhuchhen Grade 9 MVA Upper Elementary Level Life is a small gift from our mother and mothers are our god. Life is a gift of…
Live Forever Sushma Shrestha Grade 9 MVA Upper Elementary Level 'Life', the four alphabet word, has its meaning beyond 26 alphabets. Different people have different perception towards life. No one…
How to be a Committed Teacher Teaching is not a job, it's a responsibility Samrat MaskeyChief Operating OfficerMVA As a teacher, your professional commitment has to be focused on three…
Don't Quit Winners Don't Quit and Quitters Don't Win Sanju Thapa Magar MVA Elementary Level Science Teacher There comes that moment in all of our lives when we feel like…